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Kid Breakfast Recipes

Hey Everyone! I’m a new mom and Here I’m gonna share my baby boy’s everyday breakfast recipes for you all. Hope you can enjoy and try it for your kids. Explore my site and all that I have to offer; perhaps my food will ignite your own passions as well.

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4吋羽衣甘藍戚風蛋糕食譜 & 胖鍋攪拌機Part4

#胖鍋攪拌機 #在家烘培 #chiffoncakerecipes 我最近開始製作蛋糕,突然覺得4吋的蛋糕模具很好用。第一,食材份量不用準備很多;第二,做出來的蛋糕尺寸小,吃起來也比較不會有負擔 ( 深怕吃完覺得很罪惡的地方媽媽)...

kale powder cinnamon rolls 羽衣甘藍肉桂捲

#cinnamonrolls #kalerecipe #美蔬菜 #肉桂捲 #胖鍋攪拌機 使用羽衣甘藍粉做出來的麵包顏色好美 大喜歡 今早做燕麥粥給兒子 而我在吃肉桂捲配美式 他兩眼水汪汪的一直盯著我 只好給他一小塊嚐嚐 他吃了一口 驚覺太好吃 結果我手上的剩下那塊就被他搶走...

乳牛造型豆漿饅頭食譜 & 胖鍋攪拌機開箱Part3


德式扭結餅食譜 & 胖鍋桌上型攪拌機開箱Part2

#胖鍋攪拌機 #德國紐結餅 #在家烘培 想當初,我還在荷蘭唸書的時候,常常跑到德國遊玩,路上的麵包店都會掛著一排排的扭結餅,表面撒上粗鹽,吃起來很有咬勁,配上一杯熱紅酒,在寒冷得冬天依然讓我感到暖和,雖然我還沒辦法做出完全複製版本,但形狀還是很相似的,如果你也想嚐嚐這個味道...

港式菠蘿包食譜 & 胖鍋桌上型攪拌機開箱Part1

#胖鍋 #桌上型攪拌機 #波蘿包 #bolobao 沒有攪拌機之前都是手揉麵團,還記得我之前幾乎每天晚上都在做麵包嗎?那時候都是手揉麵團,每次揉麵團的途中會一度想要放棄和崩潰,現在有了一台桌上型攪拌機可以使用,就算每天做麵包心情也好愉快...

Classic Waffle 經典鬆餅

This waffles has a great milky smells from all dairy products I added in the recipe. The texture is fluffy and soft, so I guess kids...

Brown Sugar Milk Scones 黑糖牛奶司康

Prep time: 3 hours cook time: 30-35 mins Yeild: 8-10 scones Ingredients 200g of all-purpose flour 10g of baking powder 20g of brown sugar...

Lemon yogurt cake 檸檬優格蛋糕

The strong lemon smell was in the air while the cake was baking in the oven last night. And I was trying so hard not to take a bit of it...

Scholars pastry 狀元糕

I love scholars pastry when I was a kid. It tastes a bit like steam rice cake but it’s not so sticky and but actually a bit chewy....

Tortilla de patatas 西班牙烘蛋

I still remember the first time I went to Madrid and one of my friends he invited me to his house and his granny made a tortilla de...

Purple sweet potato cookies 紫薯餅乾

I’ve been seeing so many Ube cakes, cookies so I was wondering if I can use purple sweet potato to make some cookies. I know cookies...

Condensed milk bread 煉乳麵包

I decorated this condensed milk bread with cream cheese as topping cuz I baked it too long in the oven and it was a bit burnt. But don’t...

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