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Lemon yogurt cake 檸檬優格蛋糕

The strong lemon smell was in the air while the cake was baking in the oven last night. And I was trying so hard not to take a bit of it because it is supposed to be my kid's breakfast.

I made some adjustments to the recipe I found online. So the cake is not so sweet and more a bit sour tastes for the lemon. But you can always add some sweetness from honey, lemon custard, or any sugary coatings on the top of this lemon cake.

here is my lemon cake recipe食譜:

Ingredients 準備食材

- 120g of cake flour 低筋麵粉

- 7g of baking powder 泡打粉

- 1/4 teaspoon of salt 鹽

- 1 egg at room temperature 室溫雞蛋

- 90g of yogurt 優格(if you use sugary yogurt, you can reduce the amount of sugar 使用有糖優格的話,糖就可以少加)

- 15g of sugar 糖

- 1/2 lemon of lemon zest 檸檬皮

- 15g of lemon juice 檸檬汁

- 40g of olive oil 橄欖油

Instructions 步驟

  1. Preheat the oven to 170C 預熱烤箱設在170度

  2. Whisk cake flour, baking powder, and salt together in a bowl and put it aside. 將麵粉、泡打粉和鹽混和在一個碗裡

  3. Beat the egg for 2 minutes until it is pale and thick. then slowly beat in sugar. 再將雞蛋攪拌兩分鐘後再慢慢加入糖,直到蛋糊攪拌好

  4. Pour in the yogurt, lemon zest, lemon juice, and oil in the egg mixture and blend it all well. 在蛋糊裏加入檸檬皮、檸檬汁和橄欖油後再均勻攪拌

  5. Pour in the dry ingredients in the egg mixture and stir it all until it's completed blended. 之後把麵粉分兩到三次倒入蛋糊裏,直到所有食材都攪拌均勻

  6. Take out your pan/cake mold and pour the batter all in then bake it for 30-35mins, until the cake surfaces start to get golden and a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake that comes out with no wet batter on the toothpick then it's well done. 拿出蛋糕模具把麵糊倒入後放到烤箱裡烤30-35分鐘,直到蛋糕表面呈現金黃色、牙籤插入蛋糕中間拿出來的時候沒有麵糊沾在牙籤上就代表烤好了

  7. Take out the pan/cake mold and let it cool down on a rack for 10 mins before turning the cake out. 取出蛋糕模之後先不要把蛋糕拿出來,讓整個模具放個10分鐘,涼後再取出蛋糕


  1. The recipe is for the size of 14*8*5cm of silicone cake mold 食譜是依照我的蛋糕模具14*8*5公分的尺寸所寫出來的,這個尺寸可以做大概120克的麵團(意思就是可以用120克的麵粉製作蛋糕)

  2. Let the cake completed cool down before dusting with sugar or any sugary coatings. 讓蛋糕完全涼了之後才可以加上糖霜在蛋糕上

  3. Store in a container for a maximum of 3 days 最長可以放在保鮮盒裡三天

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