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Condensed milk bread 煉乳麵包

I decorated this condensed milk bread with cream cheese as topping cuz I baked it too long in the oven and it was a bit burnt. But don’t worry I modified the recipe so when you try it out the bread won’t be burnt.

Here comes the condense milk bread Recipe:

Prep time準備時間: 10 mins

Cook time蒸煮時間: a total of 120 mins

Yield份量: 9 baby condensed milk bread 9個寶寶們吃的麵包尺寸


  • 125g of bread flour 高筋麵粉

  • 10g of sugar 糖

  • 12g of condensed milk 煉乳

  • 1g of salt 鹽

  • 2g of dry yeast 酵母粉

  • 80g of milk 牛奶

  • 10g of unsalted butter 無鹽奶油


  1. Place a bowl and add in flour, sugar, condensed milk, salt, dry yeast then milk separately. 將麵粉倒入大碗中,依序加入糖、煉乳、鹽、酵母粉和牛奶,盡量把食材分區域的倒進麵粉上

  2. Combine all the ingredients except butter, knead the dough on a clean surface for about 10-15mins until the dough is not sticky anymore; if you use machine it takes less time and work.把所有食材混和均勻好後,放在揉麵團的平台上搓揉,剛開始會很黏手但持續搓揉至麵粉出麵筋後,不會黏手就代表麵團開始出筋了,手揉的時間大概是10-15分鐘,用機器的話時間大概8-10分鐘,麵團如果可以拉出不會破的一層膜就可以做下個步驟

  3. Add butter in the center of the dough then fold the dough in half and knead the dough until it absorb the butter.在麵團中間包入奶油,繼續搓揉麵團,直到奶油完全被麵團吸收

  4. Cover the dough with plastic wrap or clean towel and Let it rest in a big bowl for at least 1 hour until it’s double the size of original one.麵團揉好後,就可以放到碗裡,蓋上保鮮膜或乾淨毛巾,讓麵糰休息大約1個小時,直到麵團的大小是原本的兩倍大

  5. Take a roller and press out the air inside the dough then roll it to a stick, cut it into pieces 拿出麵團,用桿麵棍押出麵糰裡的空氣之後,捲呈長條狀,開始切割麵團

  6. Cut it into 9 small pieces then roll it to circle, placing in baking tray afterwards 可以切成9個小麵糰,滾圓之後就可以放到烤盤上 (因為我做的造型麵包所以切割的大小會不一樣,要做杯麵造型的話,切割成三塊後,再把一塊分為兩部分,大一點的麵糰是身體,小一點的頭跟手)

  7. Let the dough rest for another 30-45 mins.讓烤盤裡的麵團休息30-45分鐘

  8. Lastly spread a thin layer of flour on top of the doughs before baking.最後,在發酵好的麵糰上,撒上薄薄的一層麵粉

  9. Bake in the oven with 150C for 20mins.放入烤箱用150度,烤20分鐘

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