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Potato stuffs sweet potato cake偽班戟蛋糕

Today's breakfast is inspired by one of the Instagram photos I saw before. It was a bit difficult for me to make the crepe so thin because I woke to super earlier and couldn't concentrate on making it as thin as I wanted to. But it's not a big problem as long as the cake comes out tasting pretty good, Right?

If you and your kids are potatoes lover, please try to make this cake, even just once. You are not going to regret it. Because the creamy mashed potato and sweetness from sweet potato combinations are the best!

Here comes the potato stuffs sweet potato cake Recipe:

Prep time準備時間: 5 mins

Cook time蒸煮時間: a total of 45 mins

Yield份量: 3 small sizes of the cake 三個小班戟蛋糕


  • 1 potato 馬鈴薯

  • 5g of unsalted butter 無鹽奶油

  • 1 teaspoon of milk 一茶匙牛奶

  • 1/3 of small sweet potato 小地瓜

  • 1 large egg 雞蛋

  • 25g of cake flour 低筋麵粉

  • 15ml of milk 牛奶


  1. Steam the potato and sweet potato for 15 mins until both are soft. 將馬鈴薯和地瓜蒸熟,大約是15分鐘

  2. Mash the potato then mix in butter and 1 teaspoon of milk. 將蒸熟的馬鈴薯壓泥再拌入奶油和牛奶

  3. Slice sweet potato into 3 pieces. 把地瓜切3片

  4. Making crepes, simply mixing egg, flour, and milk and whisk it until you don't see any flour. 製作餅皮,直接把雞蛋、麵粉和牛奶混和到沒有粉粒狀

  5. Grease a pan and turn on medium heat. 把平底鍋抹一層薄油之後,開中火

  6. Scoop one spoon of batter and using a spoon to spread out the batter into a big round circle. 舀入一勺麵糊到鍋內,在用勺子的背面由內往旺的抹開麵糊(越薄越好)

  7. When the crepe is done, take it out from the pan and let it cool down. 大概10秒的時間,餅皮就熟了,用鏟子拿出來後放涼

  8. Place one crepe and fill in some potato and sweet potato in the middle then fold it into the square. 再餅皮的中間放上一層馬鈴薯泥、一層地瓜片,在一層馬鈴薯泥後,包起來就完成了

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