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"One egg" sesame sponge cake "一顆雞蛋版本"的芝麻海綿蛋糕

I cut the cake into circle and decorated it with sesame cream cheese.

👇🏻Below is the original look of the cake.👇🏻

This is not my first time trying to make cakes, I've tried to bake the cake a few times already. And I have to say that I'm not really good at baking cakes. This sponge cake I can't say that I failed it again, although the look of this cake is not appealing, the taste is pretty nice and fluffy.

The reason why made one egg version of sponge cake is that We only had one egg left in the fridge on that day. I was thinking if I could just use one egg to make a cake and it worked!

Now you and I know that we don't really need to make a cake with so many eggs.


Prep time準備時間: 15 mins

Cook time蒸煮時間: a total of 40 mins

Yield份量: 14*8*3cm size of the cake ( basically serving for one adult, but for babies and toddlers is enough to eat.)


  • 10g of olive oil 橄欖油

  • 12g of sesame powder 芝麻粉

  • 12g of cake flour 低筋麵粉

  • 5g of sugar 糖

  • 1 egg yolk 蛋黃

  • 15g of sugar-free soy milk 無糖豆漿

  • 1 egg white 蛋白

  • 5g of sugar 糖


  1. Preheat the oven to 160C degree. 烤箱預熱設定160度

  2. Mix olive oil, sesame powder, cake flour,5g of sugar, and egg yolk together in a bowl. 將橄欖油、芝麻粉、低筋麵筋、5克糖、蛋黃依序地加入碗裡用刮勺攪拌均勻

  3. Add in soy milk in the bowl then whisk it 再加入豆漿用Z字型的方式拌勻,減少麵筋形成

  4. Take another bowl and pour in egg white, while beating egg white, add sugar slowly; beat the egg white until you can make peaks with it. 再拿出一個碗打發蛋白,剛開始用中低速打蛋白,開始發泡後,用高速打發,過程中分三次加入剩下的糖,直到蛋白呈現硬性發泡

  5. Scoop 1/3 of egg white in batter then mix it well. 舀出1/3的蛋白到麵糊裡,以順時針方式從碗的中央往外,順時針的方向攪拌,讓麵糊和蛋白混和均勻沒有蛋白塊

  6. Pour back all the batter in the bowl of egg white then mix it all together. 接著,把剛辦好的麵糊倒入蛋白的碗哩,同樣方式把麵糊和蛋白混和

  7. Pour the batter in a chiffon mold or any mold. 把前一步驟的麵糊倒入模具裡

  8. Bake 20-23 mins with 160C degree 用160度的上下火烤20-23分鐘(模具要擺在烤箱上下火的中間層)

  9. Flip the whole mold upside down on a rack after the cake is done. 烤好的蛋糕拿出後,倒過來放在烤架上讓熱汽散掉

  10. Let the cake cool down for at least 1 hour before serving. 讓蛋糕涼了一個小時以上後再享用

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