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Steam Brown Sugar Cake 黑糖糕

Updated: Nov 15, 2020

This steam brown sugar cake is one of my childhood memories food. I can still remember whenever me and my parents go out and see this cake selling by the side of a food stand and I will beg my mom to buy a small piece of cake for me. 黑糖糕是我小時候的回憶,每次跟爸媽出去的時候,路上看到賣黑糖糕的小攤都會求著我媽媽買一小塊給我吃

I love the texture of this steam cake, it doesn‘t have normal texture like a cake, instead, it has a nice and chewy texture, which is why I love it. 黑糖糕的口感跟一般蛋糕真的差很多,就是因為QQ的口感和黑糖香氣,所以我才特別喜歡

I added a bit of Apple while I cook brown sugar with water so the liquid would have a bit of fruity smell. 這款黑糖糕的食譜,我在黑糖漿裡加了加了點蘋果切片,增加果酸香氣在蛋糕裡

One more thing to say, the recipe for this steam cake, I use a silicone cake mold for steaming and the size of the mold is 14.5*8*5 cm, which means you can make maximum 100g of batter to steam cake. 另外,這款蛋糕的份量,我是依照我的矽膠蛋糕模的尺寸製作,模具的大小是14*8*5公分,做出來的份量是半個模具的高度,可以依照你使用的模具等份量的製作這款黑糖糕是沒有問題的

Let‘s get started making this steam brown sugar cake !!! 接下來就來看看如何製作黑糖糕


- 60g of all purpose flour 中筋麵粉

- 15g of sliced apple 蘋果切片

- 15g of brown sugar 黑糖

- 1/4 teaspoon of dry yeast 酵母

- 7g of tapioca starch 地瓜粉

- some water 水

Instructions 步驟

  1. Take a small pot, boil brown sugar and sliced apple with a little bit of water in the pot until water is starting to get sticker and brown sugar smells get stronger. let the syrup cool down for a while.拿出一個小鍋子,將黑糖、蘋果片和一點水一起煮開,直到黑糖呈現比較糊狀就可以關火放涼

  2. Take sliced apples out from syrups, and mix some water with syrup until the mixture is 100 grams. 把蘋果片拿出來後就可以將黑糖水和溫水混合成100克

  3. Pour all purpose flour, dry yeast and tapioca starch in the syrup then stir it all well together. 把麵粉、酵母和地瓜粉倒入黑糖水裡,全部均勻攪拌到無顆粒

  4. Cover batter with plastic wrap and let the batter set aside for 1 hour, but don’t leave it for longer than 1 hour, otherwise the cake would have a sour tastes. 用保鮮膜蓋住碗,讓麵糊發酵一個小時,時間不能超過一個小時,不然酵母的發酵酸味會太重

  5. Pour the batter in your cake mold and a team the cake for 10-15mins, to check if the cake is done, simply put a stick in the cake, checking if there‘s any batter on the stick when you take it out. 倒入模具後就蒸10-15分鐘,測試蒸好了沒有的方式,把一根筷子或牙籤插入黑糖糕,拿出筷子或牙籤後,上面沒有麵粉糊就代表蒸好了

  6. Let the cake cool down before serving. 放涼之後就可以吃囉!

Note: this cake can be stored in an airtight container for maximum 3 days. 黑糖糕放在保險盒裡室溫最對可以放3天,記得不要放太久才吃

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