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Tofu Danish Toast 豆腐丹麥吐司

Updated: Nov 5, 2020

I started my Instagram account sharing my baby boy's BLW journey for a while and ever since then, I've been baking for my baby. Why Baking? Because bread, pancakes, waffles, and muffins are so easy for babies and toddlers learning to grab and eat.


The idea of making this tofu danish toast was because I wanted to finish the last tofu in the fridge, secondly, I was browsing a cooking website online and read an article about making tofu bread, so I got the idea of making Tofu danish toast for my baby's breakfast.


Okay No more talking, let's make the Loaf step by step!


Note: Here I want to let you all know that the recipe I share with you is for a bread mold with Length, Width, Height: 14.5*8*5cm, PLUS It can fit in 100 grams of dough. If you use a bigger bread mold, please measure the size of your mold so you can calculate the amount of dough you have to make.

註: 這邊先跟各位了解,我所分享的食譜分量適用於吐司模具的長寬高為14.5*8*5cm 容量適合在100g的麵團,如果模具的大小不一樣,請先算看看,將模具的長寬高相乘後乘以0.22(0.22為容積比,是麵糰體積和重量的關係),就能計算出模具適合的麵團分量

All we need are食材我們需要準備:

- 40g of Tofu 豆腐 (使用嫩豆腐呈現出來的口感會好很多,我是使用義美嫩豆腐去製作

連結 ->

- 100g of All-purpose flour 中筋麵粉

- 40ml of milk or water 牛奶或水

- 6ml of olive oil 橄欖油

- 2g of yeast 酵母

- 1g of salt 鹽巴 - some unsalted butter 無鹽奶油做抹醬

Instructions 步驟:

  1. In a large bowl, put in tofu, flour, yeast mixture, and salt then combine all well together. 在一個大碗裡,放入豆腐、麵粉、酵母混合液和鹽後,攪拌均勻

  2. Pour in the remaining water slowly meanwhile keep stirring the dough to check if it can form like a ball. 將剩餘的牛奶或水慢慢的混入麵糊裡,視麵糰的狀況加入到麵粉能夠成糰

  3. Add olive oil to the bowl and knead the dough for 8 - 10 mins. 把橄欖油加到麵糰裡,揉8-10分鐘,直到所有食材都混合均勻,拉開麵糰時,麵糰能夠行程一層薄膜狀

  4. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or a clean towel for the dough to rest for 1 hour. 蓋上保鮮膜或乾淨的毛巾,讓麵糰發酵1個小時

  5. The dough will be double the size compared to before. 直到麵糰呈現比原本大兩倍的大小

  6. Sprinkle some flour on your workplace then pour the dough out and press the air inside the dough out by rolling with a rolling pin, after that round dough up as in a circle. 在揉麵的平台上,撒一點麵粉,避免麵糰沾黏在平台上,用桿麵棍桿壓麵糰,使麵糰內的空氣排出後,再把麵糰揉成圓形

  7. Divide dough into three small doughs then smearing it with some room temperature unsalted butter on the surface. 將麵糰分割成三等份後,依序將各等份的麵糰桿開,把無鹽奶油抹在桿開的麵糰表面上

  8. Rolling the dough gently as a stick and stretching it out as length of 1.5 sizes longer than your bread mold. 將麵糰輕揉的捲起來,記得將頭尾部分捏緊後,把麵糰搓成長條狀,長度大約是吐司模具長度的1.5倍長

  9. Make three braids. Put ends tucked under the braid so that the base is covered by braided dough. 把三條麵糰編織在一起,記得把頭尾部分的麵糰壓好,避免二次發酵時,麵糰都散開來了

  10. Place the finished braided dough in the bread mold. 把編織好的麵糰放入吐司模具裡

  11. Place your mold in the oven for 30mins for the dough rising again. 再將模具放到烤箱進行二次發酵,時間約30分鐘,直到麵糰膨脹到模具的8分滿就可以了

  12. Bake at 160C for 20mins in the oven. 烤箱設定160度,烘烤方式烤20分鐘,表面會呈現金黃色

  13. After baking, take the toast out and place it on a bread rack for cooling. 烤好後,迅速將吐司脫模放在烤架上,等到吐司涼後就可以了



  1. This bread can be stored in a container for maximum of 3 days at room temperature, if you’d like to keep it for a bit longer please store in the fridge. I don’t recommend storing bread for too long. 這款吐司放在保鮮盒裡,室溫最長能夠放3天,如果想要保存更長時間,請記得放入冰箱,不過趁新鮮吃是最好的,不建議保存過久

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